Just spreadin' the good karma.....

It's all about the good karma..

Friday, May 07, 2004

I want this shirt.

I've been watching a bit of anime' lately. I get my fix from fan-subs available for download on the internet. Fan-subs are anime' episodes which currently air in Japan (therefore they don't usually have subtitles or english-dubbing), so groups on the internet volunteer to "subtitle", hence the term "subs", these anime' episodes to cater to non-Japanese-fluent individuals. I guess it's a bit illegal, really, but I think certain laws on "subbing" are a bit region-sensitive so groups continue to "sub" until an anime' title is "licensed". Which essentially means that the rights to air episodes are bought by an established "subbing/subtitling" company. Usually when the anime' is bound to be showed in the US, this is the time "subbing" stops.

One anime title I was a bit sad to see licensed is Gokusen.

The whole premise of the show had me hooked when I first saw my first episode of it. It's about a young japanese woman who's always dreamnt of being a teacher, but her background of being one of the heir's of a notorious Yakuza-group has always bothered, if not hindered her pursuit of her dreams. The first episode detailed her first day of teaching, and it was hilarious seeing her "demeanour" transformation from "goody-goody-teacher" to "yakuza-ojou" when faced with stressful situations. The fan-subs ran for around 10 episodes, until the title got licensed.

I saw Van Helsing today. Really didn't like it that much, the trailer had me looking forward to it pa naman. Coincidentally there's an anime' called "Hellsing", though I doubt if there's an actual connection between the two.

Anyway, the movie just had me feeling the way I felt like after watching LXG. Dissappointed. Well LXG I wanted to be good since I'm into comics. Van Helsing, I hoped to be good since I'm a bit of a sucker for vampire-flicks. Oh well. The movie just had too many "cheesy-scenes" which could've been done away with (do you actually have to fit in love when you're killing vampires and goblins?), the dialogue sucks, really. Plus Van Helsing's "pa-cool" aura didn't really help with how his character fit into the equation. Hellboy's bad-ass attitude I liked, Van Helsing's, pweh.

So there.

I picked up a comic book today, a rare event being that I stopped a bit from collecting a few months ago just because the hobby has cost me a lot of money, and I've reached the point where it's pretty hard getting my regular comic fix. I used to collect single issues, so they eventually gutted my wallet, now I wait for the TPB's (trade-paperbacks). I've been meaning to get this book, Zsa Zsa Zaturnnah for some time now, it's just recently that I found a TPB of it available. The book is about a "baklang-modista" who gets super powers "Darna-style", and eventually she encounters the regular slew of badguys and do away with them. The book is packed with really "blazingly-familiar" humor and dialogue you'd expect from your local parlor-bakla's, and will probably have you laughing after two pages of it. Galing. Check out the link, there's a bit of a teaser there, I think a bit of the first issue. Check it out, and if you do like it get it! It's published locally (yes, it's a tagalog comic, galing noh) by Alamat Comics, and it's pretty cheap Php 240, if you've the cash to spare for your monthly-cell-cards, ragnarok online cards, why not shell out some cash for this! C'mon! Plus you're helping out with the thriving local comics scene. C'mon. Hehe!

Speaking of comics, FREE COMIC BOOK DAY is just 57 days away. If you don't know about this event, you're missing out. Go to the link. It's really simple. You get a FREE comic book on the designated day (June 3, 2004) when you drop by your local comic-book store. Outright. I do know of some places which actually require you to purchase first before getting a free comic-book. The titles which come free are a bit limited, as the whole purpose of FREE COMIC BOOK DAY is to encourage people who've stopped, haven't or who are thinking of picking up comics as a hobby -- to start and see what comics today have to offer. O diba? Panalo!

While you're at it, and if I've managed to convince you to get into comics. You might want to check out the blog/site of the comic-book-list I'm in, it features news-updates, reviews, etc. done by my friend Ramon.

Lastly..for people on the move you guys have got to pick up the iGo juice. It's essentially a mobile-adapter for your laptops, phones and handhelds. It comes compatible with almost any major-brand of laptop and PDA's. Basta, ang galing.

So there..Ciao.


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