Just spreadin' the good karma.....

It's all about the good karma..

Thursday, September 15, 2005

Took personality, and the usual psychological exams the whole day yesterday. My hand still aches, 10am-5pm. No lunch. Straight. Fucking grew a new "kalyo" on my finger. Oh well. I hope everything goes well.


4PM. Studio 23. WAR. Blue vs. Green. It's all about pride babeeehhh..ANIMO!


The Super Furry Animals f-ing rock.


I had a job interview the other day, I had a "cultural test" yesterday, which I think is just a fancy word for psychological-tests. Ewan. Hehe! Anyway, yeah it's for this "job". I still don't get what cultural testing meant.
Ok naman. MIS job, ata? Still don't know the details. Hehe!

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