Just spreadin' the good karma.....

It's all about the good karma..

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Podbrix has been coming out with iPod/Apple related figures and shirts for quite some time now, and it's pretty interesting watching how fast their limited-run figures go out of stock. I think these babies go so fast, they sell out in MINUTES at times. Well they came out with this Woz minifig recently, and it's going on sale this Thursday (7/04) at 21:00H EST. So yeah, if you're into this, and are willing to shell out $24.99 for one figure (they used to go for around $15.00 a piece as far back as I can remember, since they are limited and hand-made) -- head on over to their site. :)


Adidas buys Reebok. Ahhh finally, some more sense into Reebok's line. I miss their pump shoe thingies. Hehe.


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