Just spreadin' the good karma.....

It's all about the good karma..

Saturday, June 25, 2005

NPR's Fresh Air had one of my favourite graphic novelists Daniel Clowes over for an interview. Head on over here to listen.


Heading off to Munich in a few hours. See y'all in a week.

Oh and I just saw Batman Begins last night. Woofucking hoo. Beautiful. Hay love it. Katie Holmes just doesn't seem to fancy the idea of wearing a bra! Mr. Bale wasn't as awful as he was in Equilibrium (the only movie of his I've watched, I think). I dunno, but doncha thing Batman Begins is a "quote-movie", I mean one of those movies you love to snatch lines from and repeat with friends.."SWEAR TO ME!!" (with matching saliva/rain water spewing from your mouth).

Watch it!


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