Just spreadin' the good karma.....

It's all about the good karma..

Friday, July 02, 2004

Soo..to everyone who have BitTorrent on their PC's, are you using the current-up-to-date release? Downloading the newest version of BitTorrent may actually help you with some tracker issues, speed-when-downloading, even some fatal-bugs.

While you're there getting your up-to-date release, why don't you get yourself a nifty client. Clients are third-party programs which utilize the BitTorrent release on your machine and aid you in seeing everything you'd want to know about your download (yup, there's stuff during a download, which might be help you out, too, not to mention it's pretty cool seeing how many pervs are actually downloading the same home-video you're downloading, perv) i.e: # of connected peers, seeds, error-messages, more accurate ETA's, etc. I personally use the ABC BitTorrent Client, the developers update often, and it's not too much of a resource-hog like Azureus, another popular BitTorrent client I used to use..

So there..


I've also been playing a lot of Uplink lately. It's a pretty old game (a 2001 release), and it was just recently that I discovered it through a friend. The moment I had the game installed on my machine, it had me saying to myself: "What have you been playing for the last 3 years!! Why didn't you see me!!". I'm weird that way, my games talk to me. Hehehe..If any of you guys have the chance to try the game, I'd suggest you don't let it pass. It's essentially a game about hacking, there are no 3D-aspects to the game, and it's just loads of fun to play. So there..


David Lynch
is just a twisted man. Really. I was able to watch his old short, "The Alphabet". Scary-twisted-cool shit.


And lastly..I'm pimping Savetheipod.com. If you live in the US, and a citizen. DO something..Grr....


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