Just spreadin' the good karma.....

It's all about the good karma..

Sunday, June 13, 2004

Things have been sooo busy lately, haven't had time to blog -- or even drop by a meeting of a society I just recently became a member of, the International Plastic Modelers Society of the Philippines: Bert Anido Chapter. Even the books I've been reading have taken the toll of my trying to finish my thesis. Bummer.


SO I bought a few books today. Well my mom paid for them, she spoils me on books, har har.

So I got:

American Gods by Neil Gaiman - I had the unproofed-press-copy for some time, I was just wondering how the one released to the public "read".
Good Omens by Neil Gaiman & Terry Pratchett - I've been meaning to pick this book up, but haven't been able to come by it in the past. So seeing it this afternoon at National, and picking it up was just pure "instinct".
Einstein's Dreams by Alan Lightman - Aside from the "accord" the book has been able to earn, I liked Martin Amis' Einstein's Monsters, don't ask me why I had that as "reason" for me to pick this up. Hehe! I'm weird that way.
The King of Torts by John Grisham - I'm a big Grisham fan, plus King of Torts used to be only in hardbound, so I picked this up since it finally became "affordable".
Blood and Gold by Anne Rice - Ooooo Marius a book with Marius as a "major" character. I like. Hehehe!

So there.

Now to get enough time to read them. I doubt I'll start on any of them soon, I'm just "stocking up" for a long hiatus from doing anything once I graduate. Hehe!

Besides, most of these will probably be as hard to find as Dan Brown's Da Vinci Code, in time; when bookworms like me find out that these can actually be had at your local NBS branch. Why doesn't NBS stock up on Dan Brown's Da Vinci code as much as Power Books does, Power Books had like 2 large-pentagon-shaped piles last time Iris and I were there. Wouldn't stress my mom as much to get a copy. The Da Vinci Code was ok, not "phenomenal", and surely IMO not "up" there with Neil Gaiman's "Stardust", or anything written by Alan Moore. Hmmm, I think it's unfair to compare between their "line-of-story-telling", or "type-of-story", still the book (Da Vinci Code), just didn't leave me talking about it or pestering anyone else to pick it up as a matter of life and death.

So there.


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